Multnomah County Crime Codes
When someone is arrested and booked into the Multnomah County Jail, the sheriff’s website will list the charges against the defendant in the form of crime codes. These crime codes can vary by county and jurisdiction. Although some of them, like murder, are self-explanatory, others are not at all. We have compiled a list of the most common crime codes in Multnomah County and links to the relevant statutes. You can view holds and drug crimes on separate pages.
ABUSE CORPSE 1 (B Felony): The defendant is charged with abusing a corpse.
ABUSE CORPSE 2 (C Felony): The defendant is charged with disinterring or removing or abusing a corpse.
AGG HARASSMENT (C Felony): The defendant is charged in that he/she propelled, saliva, urine, blood, semen, feces or other dangerous substance or bodily fluid at a public safety officer.
AGGR MURDER (A Felony): The defendant is charged with premeditated murder or murder with other aggravating factors.
AGGRV IDENTITY THEFT (B Felony): The defendant is charged with aggravated identity theft.
ARSON I (A Felony): The defendant is charged with starting a fire or explosion with intent to damage property or persons and did so.
ARSON II (C Felony): The defendant is charged with starting a fire or caused an explosion that damaged property.
ASSAULT I (A Felony): The defendant is charged with violent, intentional assault.
ASSAULT II (B Felony): The defendant is charged with assault that caused serious injury to another.
ASSAULT III (C Felony): The defendant is charged with assault. Assault III has a wide variety of definitions.
ASSAULT IV (A Misdemeanor): Misdemeanor variant of assault.
ASSAULT POLICE OFF (C Felony): The defendant is charged with assaulting a public safety officer.
ATT ELUDE ON FOOT (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with attempting to elude police on foot.
ATT ELUDE BY VEHCLE (C Felony): The defendant is charged with eluding police in a motor vehicle.
BURGLARY I (A Felony): The defendant is charged with burglary.
BURGLARY II (C Felony): The defendant is charged with unlawfully entering a building or dwelling with intent to commit a crime. This charge is for crimes not covered by criminal trespassing.
CARRY CONCEAL WPN (B Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with carrying a concealed weapon without a permit.
CHILD NEGLECT I (B Felony): The defendant is charged with child neglect.
CHILD NEGLECT II (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with leaving a child unattended for such a time in such an area as to endanger the child.
COERCION (C Felony): The defendant is charged with compelling another to do something by instilling fear in them.
COMPELL PROST (B Felony): The defendant is charged with trying to compel another into prostitution. There are additional definitions.
COMPUTER CRIME MISD (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with computer crime as a misdemeanor.
COMPUTER CRIME FEL (C Felony): The defendant is charged with a crime by use of a computer. This has a variety of definitions.
CON MURDER (A Felony): The defendant is charged with conspiring to murder another. Conspiracy is defined here:
CONT SEX MINOR (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor.
CONTEMPT COURT (U Unknown): The defendant is charged with contempt of court.
CONTEMPT VIOLATE NCO (U Unknown): The defendant is charged with violating a no-contact order issued by a judge or civil court.
CRIM MISCH I (C Felony): The defendant is charged with criminal mischief as in CRIM MISCH II or CRIM MISCH III but caused over $1000 in damages. However, this charge has a wide variety of additional definitions, including use of an explosive or damage to public works or utilities.
CRIM MISCH II (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with CRIM MISCH III causing over $500 in damages.
CRIM MISCH III (C Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with tampering or interfering with someone else’s property.
CUST INTER I (B Felony): The defendant is charged with custodial interference and exposed a person to significant risk of injury or illness.
CUST INTER II (C Felony): The defendant is charged with custodial interference, usually pertaining to a child.
DISORDERLY COND 1 (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with making a false report concerning an impending catastrophe.
DISORDERLY COND 2 (B Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with disorderly conduct.
DUII (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, an inhalant, or a controlled substance.
DUII – FELONY (C Felony): The defendant is charged with DUII (A Misdemeanor) while having 2 or more prior DUII convictions or DUII treated as a felony.
DWS/REV MISD (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with driving while his or her license was suspended or revoked.
ENC CHILD SEX AB 1 (B Felony): The defendant is charged with encouraging child sex abuse 1.
ENC CHILD SEX AB 2 (C Felony): The defendant is charged with encouraging child sex abuse 2.
ENC CHILD SEX AB 3 (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with encouraging child sex abuse 3.
ENDANG PERSON W/FAPA (C Felony): The defendant is charged with endangering someone while having a family abuse protection act order against them.
ESCAPE I (B Felony): The defendant is charged with escaping from custody by threat of deadly force and/or was aided by another person present.
ESCAPE II (C Felony): The defendant is charged with escaping from custody by threat of force and/or had a felony conviction. There are additional definitions.
ESCAPE III (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with escaping from custody.
FAIL DISP LIC (C Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with failing to display a driver’s license after being pulled over by police.
FAIL PERF DOD PROP (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with failing to perform duties of driver when property was damaged. This may occur after a car accident.
FAIL PERF DOD INJ (C Felony): The defendant is charged with failing to perform duties of driver when a person was injured.
FALSE INFO (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with giving false information to police during or around the time of commission of a crime. or
FALSE REPORT (C Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with making a false report to police.
FALSE SWEAR (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with making a sworn statement knowing it to be false.
FELON POSS BDY ARMOR (C Felony): The defendant is charged of being a convicted felon and possessing body armor.
FELON POSSESS FA (C Felony): The defendant is charged with possessing a firearm while having one or more felony convictions.
FELON POSSESS RSTR WEA (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged of being a convicted felon and possessing a weapon he/she is legally restricted from having.
FL REG SEX OFF FEL (C Felony): The defendant is charged with failing to register as a sex offender for a felony sex offense or failing to make an initial report to the agency.
FL REG SEX OFF MISD (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with failing to register as a sex offender – Misdemeanor. This charge has a wide variety of definitions, including not updating addresses or failing to notify authorities of changes in employment.
FORGERY I (C Felony): The defendant is charged with possession of a forgery device and forging a false document of the type listed.
FORGERY II (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with forging false documents.
FRAUD USE CC (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with fraudulent use of a credit card with total value less than $1000.
FRAUD USE CC (C Felony): The defendant is charged with fraudulent use of a credit card with total value greater than $1000.
FTA I (C Felony): The defendant is charged with failure to appear in court to answer a felony charge against them.
FTA II (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with failure to appear in court to answer a misdemeanor charge against them.
FURN FALSE INFO POL (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with furnishing false information to police in connection with a citation or a warrant.
FURNISH ALCOHOL MIN (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with furnishing alcohol to a minor.
HARASSMENT – B MISD (B Misdemeanor): The defendant made communication or contact with another in a manner likely to provoke a violent response. Harassment has a wide variety of additional definitions.
HINDER PROS (C Felony): The defendant is charged with hindering prosecution.
IDENTITY THEFT (C Felony): The defendant is charged with identity theft. This has a variety of definitions.
IMPROP USE OF 911 (A Misdemeanor): The defendant made a fake or improper 911 call.
INCEST (C Felony): The defendant is charged with incest.
INDECENT EXPOSURE (U Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with indecently exposing himself/herself. This is a City of Portland statute.
INTERFER MKE RPRT (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with interfering with someone making a police report.
INTERFER PEACE OFF (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with interfering with the lawful duties of a peace or probation officer.
INTERF PUB TRANSP (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with interfering with public transport.
KIDNAP I (A Felony): The defendant is charged with kidnapping with intent to compel ransom, torture, terrorize, or commission a further crime.
KIDNAP II (B Felony): The defendant is charged with interfering with another’s liberty by confining them to somewhere or taking them somewhere against their will.
LAUNDER MONETR INSTR (B Felony): The defendant is charged with laundering a monetary instrument.
LURING A MINOR (C Felony): The defendant is charged with luring a minor for unlawful sexual purposes.
MAIL THEFT – FEL (C Felony): The defendant is charged with mail theft.
MANSLAUGHTER I (A Felony): The defendant is charged with manslaughter.
MANSLAUGHTER II (B Felony): The defendant is charged with manslaughter due to criminally negligent or reckless activity and/or the victim was under 14 years old.
MATERIAL WITNESS (U Unknown): The defendant is considered a material witness to a crime and is subject to compelled testimony.
MENACING (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with menacing and/or causing another person to fear imminent, serious injury.
MISTREATMENT I (C Felony): The defendant is charged with mistreating someone in their care. This has a wide range of definitions.
MISTREATMENT II (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with mistreating someone with negligence.
MURDER (A Felony): The defendant is charged with killing someone.
NEGL HOMICIDE (B Felony): The defendant is charged with negligent homicide.
OBSTRUCT GOV (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with obstructing government administration.
OFFENS LITTER (C Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with creating an objectionable stench or degrading the beauty or cleanliness of a property by discarding rubbish without permission. Multiple definitions:
ONLINE SEX CORRUPT 1 (B Felony): The defendant is charged with online sexual corruption of a child and took substantial steps to meet the child.
ONLINE SEX CORRUPT 2 (C Felony): The defendant is charged with online sexual corruption of a child.
POINT FA AT ANOTHER (B Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with pointing or aiming a firearm at another.
POSS BURG TOOLS (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with possession of burglary tools.
POSS ILLEG WEAPON (B Felony): The defendant is charged with possession of an illegal weapon.
POSS FORG INST I (C Felony): The defendant is charged with criminally possessing a device that was forged and the forging instrument was one of those defined in or
POSS FORG INST II (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with criminally possessing a device that was forged.
POSS OF LOADED FA (U Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with possessing a loaded firearm, possibly in such a place where loaded firearms are not allowed. City of Portland statute.
POSS STOLEN MV (C Felony): The defendant is charged with possession of a motor vehicle that they knew or had reason to believe was stolen.
PRIVATE INDECENCY (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with indecency in private to another person who did not consent and was alarmed by it.
PROM PROST (C Felony): The defendant is charged with promoting prostitution.
PROST (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with being a prostitute or acting as a prostitute.
PUBLIC INDEC FEL (C Felony): The defendant is charged with public indecency and had a prior conviction for a related offense.
PUBLIC INDEC (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with public indecency.
PURCHASE SEX W/MIN (C Felony): The defendant is charged with attempting to purchase sex with a minor.
RAPE I (A Felony): The defendant is charged with rape.
RAPE II (B Felony): The defendant is charged with having sexual intercourse with someone under 14 years of age. Note that a crime can be charged even if the sex was consensual. This is often known as statutory rape.
RAPE III (C Felony): The defendant is charged with having sexual intercourse with someone under 16 years of age. A crime may be charged even if the sex was consensual. This is a version of statutory rape.
RECK BURNING (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with reckless burning.
RECK ENDANGER (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with engaging in conduct creating substantial risk of serious injury to another.
RECKLESS DRIVING (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with driving a vehicle in a manner that endangered the safety of persons or property.
RESIST ARREST (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with resisting arrest.
REST ORD VIOL CONTMT (U Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with violating a restraining order. and
REST VIOL – DV CONTM (U Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with violating a restraining order in a domestic violence case (see above)
RIOT (C Felony): The defendant is charged with rioting.
ROBBERY I (A Felony): The defendant is charged with robbery by threat of deadly force or with use of deadly force.
ROBBERY II (B Felony): The defendant is charged with robbery while representing possession of a dangerous weapon or had help doing so.
ROBBERY III (C Felony): The defendant is charged with robbery.
SEX ABUSE I (B Felony): The defendant is charged with forcing sexual contact upon another.
SEX ABUSE II (C Felony): The defendant is charged with forcing sexual contact upon another that did not involve use of the penis or mouth. Additional definitions:
SEX ABUSE III (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with forcing unwanted sexual contact upon another.
SODOMY I (A Felony): The defendant is charged with forcing another to perform oral or anal intercourse.
SODOMY II (B Felony): The defendant is charged with engaging in oral or anal intercourse with someone under 14 years of age. This is a statutory provision – a crime may be charged even if it was consensual.
SODOMY III (C Felony): The defendant is charged with engaging in oral or anal intercourse with someone under 16 years of age. This is a variant of ORS 163.395 and statutory provision.
SOL MURDER (A Felony): The defendant is charged with soliciting murder, such as in a pay for kill scheme.
STALKING (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with stalking.
STRANGULATION (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with strangling or attempting to strangle someone else.
SUPPLY CONTRA (C Felony): The defendant is charged with supplying or possessing contraband in a correctional facility or hospital.
TAMP PHY EVIDENCE (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with tampering with physical evidence.
TAMP W/WITNESS (C Felony): The defendant is charged with trying to compel a witness to act or behave a certain way.
TELE HARASS (B Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with causing a telephone to ring repeatedly with no lawful purpose. Does not apply to debt collectors.
THEFT I (C Felony): The defendant is charged with theft with value greater than $1000. This charge has a variety of additional definitions, including theft during emergencies and involving firearms or livestock.
THEFT II (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with theft with value between $100 and $1000.
THEFT III (C Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with theft with value less than $100, such as shoplifting.
THEFT I BY DECEPT (C Felony): The defendant is charged with theft by deception. This is distinct from ordinary theft. Also: THEFT II BY DECEPT, THEFT III BY DECEPT.
THEFT OF SERV 1 (B Felony): The defendant is charged with theft of services of value greater than $10,000.
THEFT OF SERV 1 (C Felony): The defendant is charged with theft of services of value over $1000.
THEFT OF SERV 2 (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with theft of services between $100 and $1000.
THEFT OF SERV 3 (C Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with obtaining services less than $100 that were available only for compensation and used illegal means to avoid paying for them.
Oregon theft of service law:
TRESPASS I (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with unlawfully entering or remaining in a dwelling or upon certain premises.
TRESPASS II (C Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with unlawfully entering or remaining in a motor vehicle or upon premises.
TRESPASS W FA (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with trespassing while in possession of a firearm.
UNLAW ENTRY OF MV (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with unlawfully entering a motor vehicle. This can be charged for inserting a body part such as a hand into a vehicle with intent to commit a crime.
UNLAW OB FOOD STAMP (C Felony): The defendant is charged with unlawfully obtaining food stamps. and/or
UNLAW POSS FIREARM (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with unlawfully possessing a firearm.
UNLAW PURCHASE FA (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with attempting to unlawfully purchase a firearm.
UNLAW SEX PENETR I (A Felony): The defendant is charged with subjecting another to unlawful sexual penetration and the victim was under 12 or subject to forcible compulsion.
UNLAW SEX PENETR II (B Felony): The defendant is charged with subjecting another to unlawful sexual penetration and the victim was under 14 years old. Statutory provision.
UNLAW USE OF GPS (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with knowingly affixing a GPS to a motor vehicle without permission of the owner.
UNLAW USE WEAPON (C Felony): The defendant is charged with unlawfully using a deadly weapon against another or possessing a deadly weapon with intent to use against another.
USE CHILD DSPLY SX (A Felony): The defendant is charged with using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct.
UUMV (C Felony): The defendant is charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle.
VIOL A CT SPO-MIS (A Misdemeanor): The defendant is charged with violating a court stalking protection order.
VIOL A CT SPO-F (C Felony): The defendant is charged with violating a court stalking protection order – Felony.